Monday, September 29, 2014

Hunt for the 1936 Centennial Markers

I have a new goal.  Hunt down all of the State of Texas 1936 Centennial Markers.

Before there was a historical survey or commission.  1936 became a very big year for historical markers.  Before this, the State of Texas might partner with other groups to memorialize events and places.  So this was the first large scale state sponsored effort.  1936 was huge, it was the 100th anniversary of Texas Independence.  And to commemorate this,  the state legislator chose to create a series of permanent makers in granite that would point out the people, places and events that were important to Texas independence and spread them all across this huge state.

There are 1,100 official markers in 250 of the Texas' 254 counties.

Think of it as a scavenger hunt as big as Texas.

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